A Puppy Always Makes an Accountant Visit Better – for Everyone
You know there will always be a puppy or two when you visit your accountant. At least if your accountant is at Andrews Accounting.
Permanent Puppy Accountants
If you’ve dropped by before, you know we always have two certified puppy accountants on duty. (In case you didn’t know, all dogs are puppies.) First there’s Emily (Emmy).
She will run to great you at the door. Her motto is, Pet me, pet me, pet me! Where are you going? Don’t you remember you were petting me?!
And then there’s Zuzu.
Zuzu will usually announce your visit loud and clear, then switch to acting shy if you try to be friendly with her. Her motto is, How dare you stand calmly a hundred feet away?!
News Flash: Puppy Visits Accountant, Makes Accountant’s Day
Last week we were lucky enough to welcome two visitor pups – actual puppies, that is – to the office.
First was Clyde, a French bulldog.
Clyde was a little overwhelmed at first – are these big four-leggeds actually dogs like me? But soon he was jumping in and having a good time.
Then later in the week was Winslow.
Winslow just recently had the last of his shots, and Emmy and Zuzu were the first dogs outside his family he’d ever met! The puppy energy came out in a happy burst, and there was some rambunctious sniffing and tumbling.
Your Dog is Welcome!
We always welcome guest dogs! Their visits make our day! And every puppy needs an accountant, especially one that speaks their language.
It’s not just our opinion – here’s an article giving 9 Reasons Why Office Dogs Make the Best Employees.
Lastly, you can learn more about our services here!
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