(360) 778-3562 andrewstax123@gmail.com
Redecorating the Office

Redecorating the Office

More Kid Art! If you have been to the office then you have seen some kid art. Prepare for more! The kids have been busy coming up with even more creative images. Additionally, our favorite piece is the main black and white drawing which features the office of Andrews...
Payroll Taxes

Payroll Taxes

What are Payroll Taxes? Payroll taxes are taxes on the wages of employees which are used to fund social programs (e.g. Social Security and Medicare). The burden is on the employer to pay the tax by withholding said tax from employee’s salaries, but the employee is the...
Sin Taxes

Sin Taxes

What are Sin Taxes? Sin taxes are taxes on products that are considered undesirable or harmful. Some examples of items with a sin tax are alcohol, tobacco, sugar, candy, etc. What Else Could be Considered for a Sin Tax? Red meat. Right now, it is a trendy topic in...
Oregon and Sales Tax

Oregon and Sales Tax

Oregon Gets Surprises Do you remember when Oregonians had to start pumping their own gas? The new freedom was unwanted by some Oregonians. Meanwhile, the whole idea of not pumping your own gas was foreign to many other states including Washington. Well, Oregonians...